Gina and I met in Penny Templeton's acting class, and quickly learned that we had a lot in common! Our love of acting, storytelling, and faith!
When Gina approached me with an idea to create a podcast encouraging others, I couldn't say no. We launched into finding other creatives from all walks of life with exciting stories to share, and invited them to sit down with us.
We hope that these God Winks will help you recognize the times God has winked at you, help you find ways to encourage others, and reminds you that you are loved and not alone.
Episode One: Special Guest Shannon Lelli
​What are you Doing ?... In a world crumbling.
Nobody needs another opinion on a self help book. But we all need to hear about a God who is full of love and light. Join us in listening to the author, small business owner, and mother describe her personal experience with God. Shannon does not talk about finding religion, but rather she shares her unique journey in discovering and knowing God in a very real and ‘Ordinary Girl ‘ kinda way.
Purchase Shannon's Book on Amazon!
Episode Two: Special Guest Lindsay Bennett Part One
Struck Down but Not Destroyed
Does God work through people to move our hearts and minds? Growing up in the entertainment industry as a performer and former talent agent herself, Lindsey's story shows us how she bravely allowed God into her circumstances and trusted a new path that would set her back on solid ground with divine moments ahead.
Episode Three: Special Guest Lindsay Bennett Part Two
The Journey Back
Discover how Lindsay’s relationship with herself and God eventually transformed into an incredible life filled with encouragement and true healing.
Episode Four: Special Guest Catherine Liguori
Wait... Jesus Can Be My Friend? ​
Join us as we welcome special guest Catherine Liguori discuss how a Bible study deepened her faith as well as enriched a community of believers in a small suburban town in New jersey. Her lively style and joyous spirit is a testament of her faith.​
Episode Five: Special Guest Adam Sanders
Deeply Pursued ​
Where do we place the importance of family, career, and getting that dream job ?
As a Director of Youth Theater and an artist himself, Adam shares with us his story of how God pursued him every step of the way, even when other things were taking first place.
With a wonderful sense of humor Adam gets real about his struggles and path to freedom and joy.
Episode Six: Special Guests Carrie Hilgendorff + Nancy Tobin
With Roots + Wings
Two sisters who grew up in a family of 9 siblings share their experience of living with a power-house faith filled Mother who shaped their outlooks and depth of faith.
Episode Seven: Special Guest Christine Reuss
Faith, Focus, and Follow Through
We are so honored to welcome our guest Christine Reuss to God Winks.
Christine is a PGA & LPGA certified golf professional with over 23 years of teaching and coaching experience.
She is the Director of Instruction at Canoe Brook Country Club, Summit NJ and actively competes in professional events both in the PGA and the LPGA, including qualifying and playing in the 2019 US Senior women's open. Most Recently Christine was awarded the NJ development award/pro golfer for 2023.